
How to install PyMel for Maya 2024, 2025 and later (SIMPLE)

Here is my short guide to installing PyMel for Maya 2024 and beyond. This was not necessary in previous versions because it was installed along with the rest of Maya.

Step 1:

Verify that Pymel isn’t installed. Copy and paste the below code as a Python script in Maya and it will give an error if PyMel isn’t installed.

import pymel.core as pm

Step 2:

Locate Maya’s Python executable. This is usually: C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2025\bin\mayapy.exe

Step 3:

Open a command prompt and paste this (or replace the path if yours is different).

"C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Maya2025\bin\mayapy.exe" -m pip install pymel

Once it’s done you should see something like this image:

You should be able to restart Maya now and Pymel will be working. Run Step 1 again to confirm.

Feel free to leave a comment below if you need further help. I get emailed whenever a comment is left.